13 Mi MIDWEEK WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1988 Hi Sporting Goods ANNOUNCEMENTS 12. Legal Services W. Medical Employment LOOKING FOR A NEW START ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS We Offer Good Pay Flexible Benefit Plan WeekendHoliday Differential Bonus Plan Flexibk Hours PRN Pool SEVEN RIVERS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL (904) 795-6560 Ext. 381 ARMYNavy Goods-Doe I aul Primed SUSIE'S FIREARMS NOTICE TO FIREARM ADVERTISERS: Handgun advertising from privale parlies is nol acceptable for publication in the St. Petersburg Times.
Likewise, advertising for automatic weapons of any kind and any other firearms for war are not acceptable. BANKRUPTCY 1149, Divorce S9, Incorporation 1100, traffic DUI, probate. Wills, criminal law. Eve Sat apptv Ally Jackmart, HI-8S8? Tampa 1L ChildAdult fare Services 54 TH AVE 66lfi Si N- Lie 6 vrt, meals, tenced yd, an age. BABY CARE DAY CARE CENTER-6 wKs-3 vr.
Now enrollinfl. The best care for your child. M2J4S4 TYRONE AREA, Afternoon, evening or overnight. Any aoe 343-3812 Lie. -H It Lost SMALL puopv, corner 3rd 9th Crystal River.
Short tan hair. 795-0311 LPN Relief 3 II, tt p.m. 7 a.m. Apply today for the opportunity you deserve. BRENTWOOD IN THE MEADOW 8 a.m.
-5 Mon. Fri. at the Commons Building 1900 W. Alpha Court Lecanlo 746-MIJ LPN RN Fulltime 11 p.m. 7 a.m.
Apply lodav for the opportunity you deserve. BRENTWOOD IN THE MEADOW 8 a.m. 5 p.m., Mon. Fri. at the Commons Building 1900 W.
Alpha Court Lecanlo 746-66IJ INSTRUCTIONS CI Garage I Yard Sales tit Antiques i Collectibles OLD and antique hollies. Call S46-1737 til, Articles For Sale INSTANT SHELIERS For cars, boats 8, RV's. Galv. trame, heavy vinyl cover. Many siies.
We linance. Call Boh 344-1344 PORTABLE ARROW SIGNS Grand opening banners, flags, slreamers pennants, magnetic auto 8, truck signs. Call Bob TENT, 10X10', Scr. Room, 10X10', sleeping bags, Coleman 2-purner slove, Koolalron Refrigerator, car fan, Ige. cooler 678-7184 444.
Furniture, Household Goods CHAIRS Prom H0 8-Quart Cooler EMPLOYMENT Cordless Screwdriver $7 -Is. Rebate Lowe's Price Of Ll 1393 2a Employment General SERVICE PER SON -Knowledge of manufactured buildings. Involves travel, references reg. S35-0551. SEWERS EARN IN EXCESS OF $7 PER HR SEWING FOR A MEDICAL PRODUCTS MANUFACTURER Paid Holidays Sick Pay Health Insurance L'NARD ASSOCIATES INC 12201 28th St N.
St. Pete 33716 573-I59S, CaH John or apply within TEACHERPra 3-6 credit noun, SOlai 2S hpurjjjall I TELECOMMUNICATIONS i TELEMARKETING CAREER I Rauarcn Mklg Co. I Professional Atmosphere i I Guaranteed MhrHwnus 8. bntts I PT HRS M-Ttri-pm; UNITEO ADVERTISING 1 1 S31-M07 111 1 1 TELEMARKETING- i dependable appointment setters needed. No experience necessary, win train.
Salary commission bonus benefits. Universal Waler, 58S-3W TELEMARKETING-Free Dance Lessons, a immediate openings. Top hourly commission. Days. Evenings.
Futl lime. Part lime. til-Wtl TELEMARKETING PERSONNEL SYSTEMS JOBS WAITING TO 810HR CALL TODAY-WORK TOMORROW Placing telemarketers appl setters since 1984. All positions available. No Ik.
Call now! 449-2244 PLUS BONUS Afternoonsevenings. Ticket sales. Ciwtr office. 443-7193 After 12 noon ATTENTION RECENT Graduates I Will train Doctor's assistant, full or part time. For call 896-4617 a Part Time Employment Area Supervisor Full perl -time CHRISTMAS AROUND THE WORLD can still hire directly Into management.
No investment. Free training at Innisbrook Resort. Call immediately tor deiaiisl-W5 COUNTER HELP for cleaners in Safely Harbor North wood area. 3-7 Mon-Fri, 9-5 Sat- Will train, 726-0122 ROUTE SERVICE PERSON for Pinellas Co. (Mon, Wed Fri; 6-9hrs day).
Musi have covered Iruck, van or station wagon. 15 hr 20 ml. Start immed. Bob Conklin 449-1387 TELEPHONE SALES- M.OOHour plus bonus, exp or nol. Non-profit lickels.
ST. PETE. Forwardreverse switch Htgh impact torque gearing Bit storage area 91705 Holds up to 10 cans with ice 'Hinged lid "Rebate ends 9888 Limit 1 95855 1 8 K' i PIT Group, 6oc, 8165 New from S79. 4 Drawer chest S29 Lamps from $10 End tables from 15. Walnue Dining R.
nice S239. Drexel 6pc. B. room set $295. New 6pc oak finish B.
room 1399 OVER 2000 ITEMS ON SALE (MOST LOOKS NEWI CURTIS BROS. FURNITURE 701 CLEVELAND CLWTR. (iust 2 blocks east of All. 19.) FREE PARKING IN REAR 446-6589 LPNs: FULLPART TIME Good starting salary. Detox unit.
Apptv Ruth Spitier, PCAS, (ISO ISOIh Ave Clwtr. 530-31 10. EOE. PHARMACY TECH Exp. PT days.
Mission Hills Pharmacy, Clearwater. 797-4568 RN'sLPN's. PRN, inc. Nurses Are Everywhere! Call, St. Pete 327-6067, Clwtr 791-1740, Tampa 874-1488 230, Sales -Help Wanted SALES PERSON-Expanding corp.
seeks person to be trained lor stimulating high comm. position selling a national recognized food product. Applicants need car desire. We provide complete (raining. Call Mr.
John 596-0790 PATRICIA A. jv REAL ESTATE mmm We're looking for a few good Associates. Come in I talk to Pal for confidential interview ModelingTalent Agencies MODELS: For exciting modeling career, Trie Agency 381-3369 NoFee FINANCIAL 220. Employment General AC Service Tech- Win 5yrs exper, Salary comm. benefits.
54S J7M ALCOHOL TECHNICIANS FTPT. PCAS. 6150 150th Ave Clwlr. Defox: Ruth Spider, 530-3110. Residential: Tom.
Thompson, 327-5566, AUTO Wechanic-5 days, own tools, Golden Wrench. 541-7619544-IB II BOOKKEEPER FULL CHARGE St. Pete financial firm needs person waptitude for numbers exper thru trial balance on maual set of books. 3-5vrs exper or 4yr deoree wi securities or pensions back ground pref. Excel co.
paid benefits. Immedial opening. Free parking Send resume fo: P.O. Box 33030, St. Peters-burg, FL 33733-8030 CLEANERS Parf-flme evening iobs cleaning offices in downtown St.
Pete or WmeftonjWh area. Call 823-6862 CLERK Telephone Receptionist-Benefits. Apply in person Economy Cash Register Co, 2727 16th St. N. COMPANIONAIDE-Uve-in, lo start Treasure Island home, Dependable Nurses 323-6091 COMPUTER CUSTOMER PHONE SUPPORT REP.
Computer, accounting retail background a must, 116,000 regular business hours. Send resume to: Tyler Business Systems, 13553 66lh St. Largo, Fla. 34641-4903. Attn: John Volpe.
No calls please. DANCERS-Exotic davsnites will lrain.JVe'reJpoking for you. 545-4691 DRAGLINE OPERATOR, minimum 3 yrs. underwater digging experience. MECHANIC with own tools.
WELDERS, i yrs. experience. LABORERS. LA.C (904) 447-2209 Short-Cut Handsaw Pressure Washer For big cleaning jobs, like cars and lawn equipment 'rebate expires 123188 'Limit one rebate 93774 CLASSIFIED INDEX LEGAL NOTICES ANNOUNCEMENTS 125-149 INSTRUCTIONS 150-180 EMPLOYMENT 210-290 LET A SPECIALIST DO IT! FINANCIAL 300-345 LIVESTOCK 350-375 MERCHANDISE 408-478 RENTALS 501-502 PINELLAS COUNTY RENTALS 506-566 PASCO, HERNANDO, CITRUS COUNTY RENTALS 570-580 HILLSBOROUGH, MARION, RENTALS 590-592-594-596 COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT PROPERTY 600-625 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 631-643 PINELLAS REAL ESTATE 651-679 PASCO REAL ESTATE 731-749 HERNANDO REAL ESTATE 751-769 CITRUS REAL ESTATE 771-789 HILLSBOROUGH, MARION, LEVY, SUMTER 18" length for easier storage 'Faster cutting tooth design 'Special squaremitre feature 99493 300. Business Opportunities tit Computer SalesSvcSupplies FUTURE COMPUTER CENTERS We sell only quality products Visit our up lo 60 off sale table 66 SI 8.
126 Ave N. 539-8383 157, Musical Instruments PIANO FAIR '88 Plordia's largest selection of new used vertical Grand Pianos "'Used Grands from S1488 "New Grands from $4699 "Spinets from 1399 "'Practice Pianos from J199 Sale starts 4 days only Call Now l-flOO-Piano-88 for sneak preview best selections FLETCHER MUSIC CENTERS 2970 Gulf To Bay Blvd (t mile east ot US 191 OfficeBusiness Equipment MINISTRY moving-musl sell tape duplicators, podium, lecture board easel, office turn, small equip. Excel cond 3000-76tn Way 345-9406 HI, Food Service Equipment COOLER, warn-in, 12x8, i doors, good tor liq store Like new 733-8765 VL Lawn Garden SHEDDERCHIPPER, Super Tomv-hawk. 2 yrs. old.
5 hp M50 621-7184 LAUNDROMAT-US 19 In Jasmine Lakes, UK GROSS. EXCEL EQUIP. CASH 848-1107 OWNER VENDING ROUTES Call us before you invest! 7 locations waiting. Big profits. Local factory.
Soda-snack-iuice. Call I-B0O-782-S70S exl 75 310. Business Opp. Wanted 225. Part Time Employment NEWLY FORMED Tampa Bay area CPA firm wishes to acquire an established accounting andor a CPA practice Reply in confidence: 578-2727 DRYWALL Hangers Finishers-5 exp necessary, 536-0976 ELECTRONIC TECH Install Service fire alarms, nurse caH.
Commercial industrial. 3 years experi- EOE LP. GAS SERVICE PERSON DRIVER. Some experience required. LABORERS Jobs available now! Hard working men women needed.
Gel paid Friday of the week you work. Futl 8. part time. No fee! RE ABLE Temp 441-2996 LEGAL SECRET ARY-Uligation Word processing. 345-1656 320.
Money To Lend Indoor-Outdoor Resin Bug Killer mtfBMlr Stack Chair $88 I $R99 1-x 25' Steel 6-tt Electric Measuring Blank VHS Wood Handle String fcfv Tape Ruler VCR Tape 160z. Hammer Trimmer $499 $976 $199 $1099 1ST 2ND MORTGAGES 1ST CHOICE MORTGAGE 13630-Slth St. Suite 107 Clearwater 530-9404 Lie. Mortgage Brokers Call: Belter Business Bureau LIVESTOCK REAL ESTATE FOR KENT 350. Pets JOIN THE NUMBER I TEAM Seasonal Comm.
Supervisee wanted: to hire train Demos for Christmas Around the World (June-Nov) We are a million dollar region and want sharp people who know party plan. No investment, call weekdays 1-800-282-2289 25 PEOPLE NEEDED Mon-Fri. No exp. will train, easy work. Ticket sales.
Call now, start today. 545-5347 PLUS BONUS Afternoonseveninas. Ticket sales. Clwlr office. 441-4746 Alter 17.
noon 227, Medical Employment CMA's Doctor's office is tookina for quality CMA's for part time position M-F. Send resume: P.O. Box 1437, Madeira Beach, FL 33731-8437 or call 525-6111 CNA'S Higher starting wage, increased shift differential, great benefits. Now accepting applications lor partlime positions. Apply today for the opportunity you deserve.
BRENTWOOD IN THE MEADOW 8 a.m. p.m., Mon. Fri. at the Commons Building 1900 W. Alpha Court Lecanlo 746-661! Pinellas County Rentals POODLES, TOY, AKC registered.
(9041 447-324 361 Livestock ARAB OH pony- yyr geldings. WOO (will seoarate) Tack incl. 796 8498 5t7, Retirement Centers ACLF-Lic. beautiful privale home best food care 873-8698 511 Accommodations To Share NATIONAL referrals. Roommale find-iQ8 matching service.
587 -088 tee) MERCHANDISE inr i in in 18,500 BTU High Efficiency I llll Illl Ill Willi Nik IVKiiiiri Milliil 1 Dustbuster Vacuum III1 "If 1" 8' Tool Air Conditioner Business and Service Directory 3 fan speeds 'Adjustable thermostat 4 way air direction '230 volt 50028 A A oarage urgamzer 98696 r-a 61726 MANAGER -Christian principaled company seeks husband wife manage ment couote for adult mobile home park in Clearwater. Husband's responsible for overall management park maintenance; wife's responsible for office. Both must be mature with prior mobile home park experience. Furnished home utilities provided. Send resume 8.
references in confidence to: Personnel Manager, P.O. Box 2886, Sarasota, Fla. 34230 MANAGER Resident-strong on mainl. No childpels. Non smoker.
Good salary, apt, util, 391-2721 MECHANIC -FT. Exp. own tools. Apply: Chevron, S400-66th St N. METAL PRODUCTION WORKER Apply in person: Alpha Metal Prod- yets, J9 10 Calumet St, Clearwater MUSICIANS i SINGERS- Looking for bands performers? 960-0227 Jampa QUALITY CONTROL TECHNICIAN Prefer experience in fine and coarse aggregate testing.
High school graduate with good Math skills. Pay commensurate with experience LA.C 904-447-220? RECEPTIONISTREGISTRAR-Typing in busy office, no smoking. 9-4 pm. Jewish Community Cenler. 344-5795 RESTAURANT HELP Now accepting applications for full or part-time waiters waitresses.
Flexible schedules, excellent income potential. Smier Steak House, 1250 South Missouri, Clwlr. Call 449-1290, 2-4pm daily tor interview. RETAIL Sales Mgt trainee. Approx 30hrs to MarjJ22-8787397-22l2 ROOF CLEANERS PAINTERS Work towards running your own business.
S400-S600 wkly. 531-7771 SEAMSTRESSES- Experienced only straight stitches, surgers, lackers blind hemmer. For draperies bedding pkgs. 546-9214 SECRETARY- General oH.ce skills, typing, filing, telephone work. Good wages Benefits.
Call 531-7771 SECRETARY Pharmeceutical manufacturing company seeking Secretary with excellent telephone skills, typing 45 WPM. Computer exper. pref. Good benefits. Salary U2-H5K.
Send resume or apply: Daniels Pharmaceuticals, 2517 25th Ave. St. Petersburg, Fl. 337)3 SECRETARY With growing engineering firm in Northeast St. Petersburg, Computer experience required.
Company benefits. Salary negotiable based on back-ground. Call 573-4656, Mon-Fri. Tiv II I 7 I IB REAL ESTATE 790-792-794-796 MANUFACTURED HOMES 800-826 BOATSMARINE SUPPLIES 850-899 TRANSPORTATION 900-999 AREA CODE 813 St. Petersburg 894-1141 Clearwater 461-7355 Port Richey 848-3277 Tampa 968-2327 Land O'Lakes 996-6796 AREA CODE 904 Spring Hill 683-9651 Brooksville 796-1498 Crystal River 795-0363 Inverness 344-8977 Dade City 521-0321 Fla.
area 1-800-282-8530 DENTAL ASSTRECEPTIONIST Experienced, to circulate front back, team oriented individual. Ben-efits including pension plan. HOME HEALTH AIDEORDERLY Immed. openings for Home Health Aides pari lime for patients in their home. GULF COAST HOME HEALTH SERVICES New Port Richey 848-7325 eoe Bayonet Point 863-1577 HOMEMAKER Immediate full time openings for HomemaKers lo care for patients in their home.
Competitive salary car allowance. Excellent fringe benefits package. Contact GULF COAST HOME HEALTH SERVICES 863-1577 Bayonet PoinLEOE The Stale of Florida requires competency licenses for the following types of contractors: Building Construction, Roofing, Plumbing, Electric, Mechanical, Air Conditioning, Aluminum, Swimming Pools. Sheet Metal. For more information, contact your local Construction Licensing Board at the number listed below.
ALL advertisers in this section must possess a valid occupational license. kooos? SERVICE GUIDE SERVICE GUIDE For more information regarding Competency Licensing, contact the Citrus County Construction Licensing Board at USA 9P For more Information regarding Competency Li-censing, contact the Citrus County Construction Licensing. Board at 74A-4222. 849 11 HP, 38" Cut Lawn Tractor Immediate openings. Care for patients in their home.
Competitive salary GULF COAST HOME HEALTH SERVICES 863-1577 or NPR 848-7325 EOE Painting Services ARNIE THE PAINIER-Residenlial Commercial Free est S44-0918 10" Table Saw See-through blade safety guard with antl-kickback device Has overload switch 90182 Has a Briggs Stratton engine with electric start 'Big 38" cut, extra-deep deck design for vacuum effect '6 speed transmatic transaxle 'Full-floating deck with outrigger wheels 95182 onnnnnooi ii nnn dti i r.s- $19999 jr is Twin Bag Grass Catcher VW tJI Gas Grill 6.5 bushel capacity 'Easy dumping twin bag system 95340 irtf -ir-ir ir-r-s $9999 2 Redwood side tables Push button ignition Utensil holder 97273 3'i HP, 22" Cut Self Propelled Mower 179" Dual handle controls Fingertip height adustment from to 'Solid state nr T- I Magnetron ignition 95152 Lattice Panel Pressure treated for exterior use Panels are assembled using galvanized staples "For decorative enclosure of etc )8fl84 LOWE'S LOW PAYMENT PLAN TERMS OF REPAYMENT: Your credit must be satisfactory. No down payment required. The monthly payment includes sales tax of 6 and finance charges The APR is 18 00 for 36, 30, and 24 months. The monthly payment price also includes optional credit life and disability insurance in all states except Maryland and Pennsylvania, credit life only. When it Comes To The Lowest Prices in Town vsoNt 1 1 Form795-S26 ex, SCREENING unni if a -roii i neatmenr IT It iH 0nv othet payment I CM If -111 ii i- othet 1625 WEST MAIN INVERNESS, FLA.
Phone 726-42 11 Store Hours: Monday-Thursday 8 A.M. -6 P.M. Friday 8A.M.-8P.M. Saturday 8 A.M. -5 P.M.; Sunday 10 A.M.
-4 P.M. antandoni i Thepo' mm ft- mmJL imJ i.