The Tampa Tribune from Tampa, Florida (2024)

The Tampa Tribune-Times. Sunday, August 4. 1996 RealEstate-17 212 Condominiums 215 Mobile Homes 21 2A Townhouses JMT VILLAGE APTS Snort lei Mi fum or unfurn opts 1 1, 2Br good oc eiec options. rets OK won aep. sarins 613-621-6799 CALL 67 477-8773 621-7093, DA VP AM MoMe Home Pork.

Lots are avaHaoie now. Cote 621-3268, 839-5021. HOUTJAY MoMe Home Parti. LOTS ore ovowaoie pruiv. Car.

839-5021 LUTZ Sunrise MHP, k) shady lots. CLEAN AND UUTfc I months tree. Con 949-1010 1 Travel Trailer -Lots For Rent 220 PALM River Trailer Park at Palm River Bridge. RVs welcome. 506 50th St.

S. 248-5843 TOWN COUNTRY- RV spac es for rent. Close to shopping airport. 884-4764 230 Beach Rentals GULF Front Townhouse, Indi an Rocks Ben, 272. pool gorgeous beach, $600wk.

CALL 813-441-3974 tr INDIAN RKS BCH-3bdni, gulf front condo. Aug sept, to rates. 813-864-4002 trV INDIAN Shores-Live on beach) 1 la BR turn condo on Gulf, sm complexgreat beach 286-2386 MDIAN SHORES 3BR guff front nome $65u wk. iuk aup apt $375 wk 685-9652 REDMGTON Shores- Anglers" Love, ii, run krr, oy nsntng pier, wkly $800, Cot 251-1669 BEACHFRONT. Rental condos, all sizes prices.

8 13-593-2000 Florida Lifestyle Rentals GULF FRONT Efflc 1, 2 3Bfj' cot Apts. conaos, mawn Rocks Bch. ArmuolseasonaL-. Green Rock Reatty 1-595-3480 Owtr Bch or Redngtn Shares, 1, 2, or ux gunrrrr conaos Wkmo. Owner 239-2232 GULF FRONT CONDOS tut kitchen, phone, maid service, 2br2ba From $490 wk svc eng.

813-393-3425 SUMMER SPECIAL-Beochfrofrt 1 BR sleeps 4-5, pets ok. $60 Nlte, $375 wk, others avail Tropical Isles Realty 593-0744 SUMMER Fat Specials on. burr or oeaurrrui Anna wria tsiana 3 days 2 nights beginning at $250. Many properties available weekly, monthly, etc ne pruaenTiai t-ioriaa wearrv 1-800-776-8448 941-778-2055 EGYPT LAKE 2Z on ski lake, FPL, scrnd porch, pool cva prkg, great $795. Cat Drew Jennings Uniaue Prooertv Service, Inc.

Realtor 286-7549 LAKE ElizabethKeystone ar- ea 22, ac aoi gar, Krge oaks. $950mo. Cot 932-0226 LUTZ, ski lake, Immoc 321, 2400ST, lacuzzi, alarm; rr, aocKdeck. $i500mo 251-6710 OPEN BAY Davis Island home Apartments Unfurnished enmctrre This weekend only bock to enow speck. Reserve a spacious studio apartment now receive $200 off first AH appliances including ml- uwuw ft nnaw WasherDryer induced, tuny eauippea nrness center, gar parking staffed entry gate.

Stop by today for our open house tour. The Fat Apts. 4610 N. Armenia, 875-6609 SPECTACULAR SAVINGS 2 MONTHS RENT FREE MustOuatty CALL FOR DETALS 632-0677 FOXFRE APARTMENTS Ideol Northeast Location Monitored Alarm Systems WO Connections Avaaable Choose From Lg Bedrms 10610 North 30th St APARTMENT FOR RENT Heart of Tampa no pets, 21 new carper sou mo 334-914 GARDEN TERRACE APTS $300 Off August MoveHn $99 Security Deposit Call now 985-8911 SO.Tpa Condo: Huge 1 2BR $425 $525. CHA, DW, Pool! COYLE REALTY, INC 831-5454 Studio (fum) IBR (unfurn) in rr.

I pa. niei sjzamo. md water, sewer831-0444 CLEAN 1 Bar COTTAGE, AC shade, carport, Seminole Hts. 246-1843. 608 S.

Llncom-Ouiet, dean IBR. Nice area $385 mo. COYLE REALTY, INC 831-5454 $200 OFF AUGUST RENT 1 2 BEDROOMS $200 SECURITY DEPOSIT NO APPLICATION FEE WD CONNECTIONS SPARKLING POOLS FISHING POND TENNIS COURT SKIPPER'S POND 977-8965 EHO Move in by Aug 11th, 96. 12 aao. Lease, Limited otter.

Limited Supply, Must Qualify SPECIAL REG IBR'S $355 $330 $375 $343 Must Qualify -12 Mo Lease 3 Laundry Rms 2 Pools Exercise Rm Verticals COUNTRY CROSSINGS 50TH ST. PURITAN 988-6112 EHO 205 Apartments Unfurnished OUJH Tampa Townhouse pnr nice va ma 835-1147 SULPHER SPRINGS lOOOsf. 21, "tnsDorouan Krv-er $400 ma $250 dep238-1414 TAMPA PALMS-Cypress Run visit us Tooay 978-1531 Temple Oaks Apts. Affordable Spacious 2Br IBa wtuK size WD. $450 985-4105 TEMPLE Terrace 989 3424 "HEW RESIDENT REBATE! 1 2 BR's.

wO connections TEMPLE TERRACE Ask about our special 985-3961 TEMPLE TERRACE 1 2 BR'S WASHERDRYER INCLUDED PARK AVE. APTS 968-5687 TEMPLE Terrace 813 985-1253 IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY AT CENTRAL PARK APTS 1 2 BR's, WD, Guard House. TEMPLE TERRACE TERRACE PARK APTS 988-2951 TEMPLE Terrace 2BR1BA Apt. Homes. Fenced-in Bock-yara.

Pets Welcome, On-site DAY CARE, 2 Pools. 985-8589 TEMPLE TERRACE 988-5227 SUPER HUGE APTS CLOSETS WD HOOK UPS TEMPLE TERRACE 2br Ibo, 900sf, like new $380 month. $300 dep. Coll 932-6811 TEMPLE TERRACE AREA Bright Clean) From $424 Palm Grove 988-7050 TEMPLE Ten-oce-Lge WD hkups. Move-in $350, ProCorp Bkr 985-0299 THONOTOSASSA.

18,2 dr. apts from $290mo. $150 dep. 813-286-9603 or 613- 986-9725 THREE PALMS APTS ONE MONTH FREE 1 2 BEDROOM 9684883 TOWN 'N COUNTRY. WD In each unit.

FREE watercable. Pool. From $450. 884-0121 TOWN Country Landmark Apts La $99 Move ml 4Br $659rno. Ltd Time.

885-6591 TURTLE CREEK Beautiful from $395 MOVE IN SPECIAL! Ca 972-4655 UNIVERSITY 236-6491 Cabins-Nebraska Ave 935-2382 NrBusch Gardens Ibr 988-0780 USF 11 $259 mo. 21 $325 mo. 22 $379 mo. WW, AC mini's, Mon-5at 9-5 977-7126 USF 11 dup $265 mo, 21 dup $330 mo, blinds carpet $145 dep, must qualify. 971-5373 USF Area-Ideal For Roommates Indoor outdoor pools, tennis, fitness cntr, free wash-dry fold laundry service.

Gated community. Call now 988-1161 STUDENT USFfree rent! Clean 1 2Br with yard WD hookup. S2W-VJVU. 632-BB. USFTampa Palms $149 1ST MO'S RENT W12 Month Lease Gated Community Great LocationWalk to USF Willow Brooke 971-9727 USF WE'RE SPECIAL SEE WHY 1, 2, 3 BR APTS.

WasherDryer Every Apt. Pools, Clubhouse, Rcatbot, etc Palms at Livingston 972-2516 VILLA PALM APTS. Great place to live, great people, great apartments, great special. Coll 971-6346 WELLSWOOO- LARGE! 2BR, CPT, $350 Per Month ProCorp Bkr 985-0299 WESTSHORE S299 MOVE IN! 1BR1BA. 2BR1BA On Select Units.

RegencyCrossings AptS 613-7528 86-505 WESTSHORE Area-Quaint 21 on private property. Carpet, al. clean. 4uu. mi-vtis GOING FAST! $399 MOVES YOU IN! HUGE! Spacious eff.l Bedroom ready ror you CANDLEWOOD APTS 886-3538 WEST TAMPA, quiet toe Special $99 Move-In dep Must qualify 813-674-1658 $99 1ST MONTH'S RENT! Pool 1-2 Brms.

Laundry facilities. summerwina Aprs t-5048. 285 Houses Unfurnished SummerheM A1 2c-gar, lovely area, iiua eoniara Larson Nerltiwest 42 pool hm, 2c-oar, must seen oreat locarionll $1250 Cai CypressWmes 21, CHA, fried back yra eaHn kit $525. Col Diane Bute Unaue Prooertv Service, kic Reaaar 286-7549 Singing Oaks Ct. a 1, new jrw4 prtv mc, $600mo.

Ca Cart Mane Powell 265-6017 Leto area 371 $600 fned yard. Avail 9196. Susan Btondlno 963-7953 Coktwell Banker Res R- mc TAMPA PALMS superb 32. rencea scr porcn, large 1350 SUN COVE REALTY 968-2080 TEMPLE TERR. 4223 E.Yukon, remod 21, CHA, huge vara new 651-3190 TEMPLE Terrace-42, heated pool semd lanai, appts.

krge corner treed lot, $1200mo. Avail 815. 985-2899 254-0034 TEMPLE Terrace East, 42, CHA, cornr lot, cath ceil, fans, scr patio, apps Inc wa shed $855modep 813-752-7813 Temple Terrace 2BR Homes Lg Fenced Yards, Pools, Pets Welcome. 813985-8589 TEMPLE Terrace- Large 42z, excellent neignoomooa schools, kzroe family room garage. 502 Carriage Hills ur.

izaumo. 21U-UB TEMPLE Terrace- Proper! 34 lanacKool, Jocuzzi nkups, gar. ProCorp Bkr 985-0299 TOWN c-32 fireplace, go- rage, sowma sew sec gr 981-0905 Top of the Bay Rtty TOWN Area 43 split golf course nome. neatea pool spa many upgrades. Pool lawn service included.

$1750ma (813) 854-5133 TOWN COUNTRY 3BR $550 ROBLES PARK 3BR $395 NO DOGS 886-0330 TOWN NC 10214 Bonnie Bay 41 i'j 1, pets uk, so5 mo, u. Helbig, Hotz Realty. 961-8002 TOWN NC Lakefront, gd ngtxt, 32, lv, uk, mc, 2 gar, new carpet pointing. No pets. Lease $790-mo s-d 521-1619 USFBUSCH GARDENS.

-32, $700mo. Fenced vara Lv msg USF- SmoH private studio Quiet norhooa hiiis Klver access, Water Ind. $325mo. 238-7976 USFUMVERSfTY MALL Area 31, CHA, No Pets. $515mo.

Flrstlostdep. 813-837-0737. WESTCHASE, 4BR2BA, 2 car garage, pool, over 220U sf i5V3mo, 5V5 sec can uana Kolodney 966-2234 or mobile Z4U-U46 KeMOX Krty ASSOC MOVE IN TODAY 21 AC Fenced $400mo. 6607 16th Ave. 968-2127 626-8504 TRED OF RENTMG? No Down Payment Requlrea Payments Some as Rent.

Good Credit or Bad Credit. Bankruptcy OK. Thousands of Homes Porentlally Available. 813-873-7308 N. MANHATTAN AVE, 3lVi, $575 1mo deposit, avail Aug 15.

meg near scnis. V3J-J664 A Free Home Rental Locator Houses-Townhouses-Condos Real Estate Review 289-9794 ROME AVE-new 32, huge great rm 1 vaurrea ceil dep. 969-2506 1210 E. HAMLTON nice area BUY LKE RENT Wee big T585 sa ft 3 BR 2 Bath CHA farnay room, payments less than rent 645-1198 APARTMENTS HOMES Located thru-out Hillsborouah County Avail immed Call today for prices 948-0909. Lie RE Brkr ROSS KNOWS RENTALS CALUSA TRACE- 433 Pool home.

$2100 mo includes lawn and pool malnt. 1st time rental. 200 properties avail. Call Ross for a list Ross Brown 968-2234 REMAX Realty Associates RENT-A-HOME Many unodVertised vacancies HomeSeekers, inc. 238-7550 21 HOUSE- $500 Connie.

2 A Condo $500 Kathv. Whlttemore Proper. 985-9898 32 Bkwmingdale $1075 32 Northdale $895 Others Avail PMR 886-6626 UNIQUE Property Services Property Mgmt. and Rental Specialists. 286-7549 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IS INFORMATIVE 218 Lease-Option To Buy BRANDON 32i.

2 strv, po rta oa vara wtrees. S6V5 Branaan 32, high ceilings. or ear area car oar s50 Lmj area 44, ivuusr, 10 fam rm $995. 25 rent credit-avail now. BRANOON 32 on cut-de-sac.

very large lot. sauomo svuu NORTH TAMPA outstondmg none. pool wspo on kzke, $2000mo. $179,900. Murray Homelsky or Elizobeth Fairweather.

RE MAX Reatty unkmltea 1 CARROLLWOOD VLLAGE ownhortM, 1980 sf, 32V.2 carpagoH coursalake view Must ieei Far appt: 961-1356 CARROLLWOOO Waterfront twnhme. 1828sf, FP, semd lanal wspa 962-3813 TEMPLE Terrace areo-31, tnca $2000 down. $200 month rent credit. 813-641-3746 TOWN COUNTRY 214 Jason Dr. 32, Mobile home.

New carpet. Owner finance. $420mo Includes lot rent! ACPM Rlty 595-4629 ZEPHYRHLLS-Tenberlake Ev tates-3121 Beaver creek ur, 21, Mobile home. CHA, Pool carport, shea Owner finance, low dn. payment.

$300ma ACPM RLTY 813-595-4629 1909 WILDER Nice 3BR home cha cottage needs work, 2 treed lots $1050 an $525 dis S200 mo credit 645-1198 LEASE PURCHASES down. Many areas prices. Ashley Plumb Reatty 986-3464 108 Bay. Wee 3BR2Bath $1050 LO $525 disc $200 mocr prick tram carport 645-1198 ZERO DOWM NO QUAUFY! 48R2BA, $385mo. To own! Cot now! 754-1383.

24hrs 21 2 Condominiums BAYSHORE- LeaseSen 15th fl Pinnacle Condo, 22, 1224 SF, lg Roman tuOcvrd batoGreat View of Bay! fitness rm, pool 24hr security, $1200ma 1st LOStSec 229-2775. BAYSOE KEY. off HSsboro of Memorial 22 Vj, scrn prch. 1 yr new. ssw mo ssou sec Gated comm.

813-855-0116 BRANDON 2BR l'jBa TH style S6UU-S6 5 2Z flat S55U mo Sehafer Prop 681-7774 626-7237 BRANDON patio, 2bd2ba aen wa nookup, ben p. fenced $680 mo. 689-8896. CARROLLWOOD Condo Style Aprs un 1 ne feoncourse. 1 ur 2 Br Lofts Available.

WasherDryer Hook Ups Free covered Parking. 961-4242 CARROLLWOOD Village Tow ers Luxury zoazoa securi ty, cable, covered prkg, no pets. $800modep. 960-6840 DOWNTOWN -1 Laurel PI Nice 22, pool tennis, 24 hr sec. $725mo SD.

WTM IS til SOKL Avail 8 10. 813-988-2815. DOWNTOWN- 28R2BA Condo dose to TBPAC Conv Ctr, security, pool, tennis. No pets. $575 mo.

228-6539 DOWNTOWN area-Modern 2BR with water-view, gated communiry wim many ex tras. Great for professional. soaumm. 24V-24 DOWNTOWN, immed occua njuc ipri'sba new carpet, wa, 24hr sec, pool ten nis, sowmo dep. 22 i-eeoy FAR OAKS.

22, WD, scrn porcn. ready. $55. call eves W1-262V4 1-45- IBUJ HARBOR ISLAND 22 wd, spa pool, covered parking, security, $1000mo. 273-9107 MARMA CLUB- IBr on river.

Boat docks, fishing, pools. courrs, securiry, Jim a2-631 1 MARMA CLUB 22 $550 all oppi. Waterfront communl-tyHIHs River! Imm occ Susan Blondlno 963-7953 Coktwell Banker Res R.E. Inc MONTE CARLO-3301 B'SHORE 11 1700sf $1400 per mo. Pool rea room, exercise room.

Sharon Thomas 839-3800 MONTE CARLO 33 $1850 MO ATRIUM 22 $1400 MO PINNACLE 22 DEN $2000 MO 4BR2BA House Davis Island Up To 2 Years Lease $1400 Mo. Ton! Everett Co. 839-5000 NORTH Oaks 22 new paint; new carpet $600 avail 8 15 all app. susan blonaino V6J-Y5J coiawett Banker Kes K.t. mc RAMTREE 2br2ba wa 5 minutes from USF.

No pets. 1 mo dep $550 mo. 989-2329 211 PEBBLE Creek-Tampa Pakns area ZDarm viea as appl, pus futslze WD, stone FP, 1 car gar, $800mo ovaUaMe 6 1 96 ERA University Rlty 977-0079 SOUTH Tampa nice UVh TH, prv setting $700 ma V32-9503 or Steve: 9-5. Mon-Fri. 258-8770 TAMPA PALMS 2br2Viba pooL Just bring your tooth-rjrushl $1295.

613-229-0963. TEMPLE Terroce-2 Cot. WD hkups $675. ProCorp Bkr 985-0299 TEMPLE TERRACE Beautiful landscaping renov. 11 wstudv.

wa $400. 10226 Ojus. 980-3432. UNIVERSITY MALL AREA LIKE NEW. 1250 SFGARAGE 2BRLOFT VsBA $650 989-9793 EVENINGS USF Park Place 21, 837sf, up- aorrs, nearr uch nice S4J5 Prudential Flu Rtty 980-0505 WALDEN Lake Country Oub 22, wasner oryer, 2 car oar.

pool gated entrance, $650. 757-0015 661-6357 ROSS KNOWS CONDOS WATERMtLL-2bed2Jbath townhome. Exc. Cond. $50's Financing available.

Call Ross for a list Ross Brown 966-2234 REMAX Reatty Associates 215 Mobile Homes ALAFIA RIVERFRONT $199 MOVES YOU IN! 1ST WEEK RENT FREE! 1 2 BR. Pets OK! 671-0000 ALAFIA -Rtverview. BR, rum, laundry, partial uni pata No pets. 677-0823. 671-1203 BEARSS AREA 1-2-3 Br.

very nice, S25u move-in, also leaseoption avail. 948-8446 BRANOON 2b lb trailer, fned lot, crprt, scrnd rm, washer, aryer, stave, refrig. 238-3296. BRANOON Redecorated 2BR, oc auiet prk, from sioowk bmaii fers uk OM-trvv BRANDONVALRKO 2 3 BR. dean pork, laundry on site.

$250 aep. NO peTS. 684-4583 CAUSEWAYHWY 41 aeon, auiet. weeklymonthly MoveHn Specials. 248-6386 E.

TAMPA. 1 Wk Free. AC dean, auiet. busline, taundrv $65 wk up. No pets 248-1599 EAST TAMPA.

50TH ST. Area 1, 2 3 BR's. Near school electric opt. 620-3870 ELECTRIC on some units, 1 2 arm, ac rum. $65wk up.

no pers. I-26V6 1-75 54-nlce 21, 14w, MH, carpet, CHA, lg lot, WD hkup. $460 dep. 988-5994. MACINTOSH RdM Small quiet pk, 22, CHA, 100 WK, aep.

NO peTS. 5V-65V Or 6BV-423V NORTH Tampa $250 Move In, uean dt, cenr. oir. Laun- dry on site. No pets.

949-6852 NORTH TAMPA 1,13 4BR mobile homes. Water garb. ind. Dep. $100.

y5-B24v, eves yz-264 RIVERVEW -Close to shopping country Living, uean-uuiet 1-2BR low as $300mo 677-1086 RIVERVEW-MOVE-IN SPECIAL IBR S70WK 2BR S95WK Centra oir. 677-5016 (10-5) SEFFNER 1 2 BR, quiet, dean, fumfshea weekly rates. utilities. NO pets. 689-3011 SEFFNER krge trailer for rent by the week, no pets.

664-029 SEFFNER RentRem-To-Owa $199 MOVES YOU Ml FRST WEEK RENT FREE! 1 2 BR. Pets OKI 664-1704 SEFFNER super big mobile nome Tor rem oy me week. no pers. 001-032 SOUTH TAMPA BR FURN $299 moves you Rent inc eiec wtr, sewer, sec patrol laundry rm. 839-0720 THONOTOSASSA area 3BR From $85wk.

no pets. Ref's. 986-3833 Or 659-224 THONOTOSASSA big mobile home for rent by the week. TIO pets. 986-1051 TOWN COUNTR Y-efflclencv, 1 2 bdrm, weekly month- IV rotes from $90wk.

884-4764 ZEPHYRWLLS 3 1, aha kt scrn ocK. 1 acre, no pets. $450mo. lstlastsecurlty deposit 813-13-0225 or 352-523-W2. FLORIDA Ave.

1-2BR'S from $60 wk. $250 move-in, nice also, leaseopt avail. 935-9476 NO CREDIT NEEDED Rent-to-own or purchase. Low down payments. Remodeled used homes.

WE FINANCE YOU 972-9312 IBR Trailer, $195 move In! Hillsborough 275 area Ready NOW! 238-9626. over 4000 st. $2850 per month. 251-1394 or 690-1106 RIVER BEND APARTMENTS I 3 BR's Cat 9M-9121 RIVERWALK FALL WTO THE LAP OF LUXURY QUIET, IDEAL AREA GATED COMMUNITY X-tra Large lBd Apt Indoor Olympic Heated Pool 2 Outdoor Pools Fitness Center Free Wash, Dry Fok) Laundry Service CALL NOW! NO DEPOSIT $100 OFF 1st MONTH 9881161 SEMINOLE Heights-Efficiency apt. $300 mo.

$100 dep. indu des elect water 237-5793 SEMINOLE HGTS 5104 Branch 11 wDen $250 MO, Heart CM So. Tampa5602 S. Manhattan targe 21, eta, wd Waterside condo4135 Smol scenic opts on river $295Mo 872-8104 SKIPPER POND Large 1 2 BR's with WD connect Move In Special! Cad Now 977-8965 SNUG HARBOR APTS SPECIALS 933-4265 SOOTH TAMPA AFB $399 moves you in to toe 11 Ends 11596 Cat 837-5993 SOUTH TAMPA BEST VALUE! 2Br2Ba Includes WD Cable. THE PAVHJJONS 6306 S.MocDI Ave 837-6069 SOUTH TAMPA of Wes-tshore Interbay 21, wd hookup 2nd floor $385mo.

Owner Realtor 854-8315. (reorgetoum On Tampa Bay SOUTH WESTSHORE JUST NORTH OF GANDY APARTMENTS TOWNHOMES UTILITIES INCLUDED IN RENT 2 POOLSBEACH FITNESS CENTERTENNIS MARINA SECURITY GATE 839-5334 SPRMGWOOD APARTMENTS $100 OFF 1ST MONTH'S RENT on Studio 2BD's. Spacious Slnple Story Aprs. 977-3525 More Apartment per Dollar! PRE-LEASING VALUES from $505! Mi ire living space than other apartments at inc same or lower rent! 1. 2 bedrooms Luxury amenities Pre-Leasing Office (813) 685-0699 1702 Chapel Tree Cir.

Off Prmidrnn- Rd. in Irntdwi u-i South of LnflMtrn Minnlo iron Itwnloua Tampa. Our price will Rock and Roll you. Livingston Place 2 Bedroom 1 Bath Duplex Style Apartment Homes Starting at $469. WD connections, front entrance, front back yard patios.

977-1142 Take 1-275 to Bears Ave. Co East about 2 miles, turn left onto Livingston Ave. SHIN RAMTREE rg 22. wa scm porcn, t-f s5Umo you- 15v ADR AN MANAGEMENT INC RIVERFRONT DT view, 32, wa nrs, wa 2 cva park spaces, gated blag, many extras. $950, 876-3166.

S. Palms Ceia lovely 11, waen staoxcoie wu, cna FP, immocutatel $495. Cai Drew Jennings Temple Terr 2 IVi, cha WD hkup, new cot, fresh point, DW $450. Cat Jack Gorrie Temple Terr 32, oha freshly pamtea comm pool, wu $625 Cat Drew Jennings Uniaue Prooertv Service, feic Recti or 286-7549 SPMNAKER COVE 2 IV, $700 pool tennis, boat aocks, fl fun! Imm occ Susan 963-7953 Coktwei Banker Res RJS. tnc TAMPA Rac Cub 21-Mew carpet, refrig, stove, ac $485 Steve 969-1978 E.

886-7770 TEMPLE Terrace, Meado- wooa J23, fans, newer unit, $800 mo. 985-6380 TERRA VERDE Island, 22 conao on mtercoastaL t-utlv fura wa all appl's Avail 9 1. $850ma 513-299-1545 TOWN COUNTRY 22Vi Townhouse, fura garage, nr airport, flex lease, wa lln-ensTVphone. 813-725-1357 TOWN 'N' Lease or option to buy: 2z, corner, 3rd 1-1, pool tennis, chouse. 882-8867 Town N' Country waterfront.

rg 1 1, scrn prcapoolremod-eied $475modep. Condo opprvl req'd (813)689-8424 TOWN NC Savannah Trace 22 Many extras. $700mo B88-5310 home or 885-5050 USF North OAKS 22, all appts, wa FP, ceiling fans, pool tennis $600modep 855-8877 WESTCHESTER lbr deluxe. In cludes iwb. Keaay now.

POOL $350 mo. Bee 931-0798 WESTSHORE Area-22 cov ered parKing. pool. $625mo. Avail.

996 Can 287-2345 2 3 BEDROOM condos townhomes. Temple Terrace, USF and Tampa Palms areas, can ror inro. ERA University Rlty 977-0079 212A Townhouses AREMEWAWaters-lg 2BR 2d CHA, wu hkua krft, lg trees, pool. $645 mo. 932-3845.

BAYSHORE AREA 22W1 car oaraoe. FP, hot tub, deck. Avaii9l.S1050mo. 931-0900 BAYSOE Key 2br13ba wd. scr porcn, nsu sr, sMimo, $50 disc if pd on time 376-6800 BAYSOE Key 2brl Jba wa scr porcn, 1150 sf, 750ma $50 disc if pd on time 376-6800 CARROLLWOOD 32.5, golf course view, smi petsno smoking.

$950. 813-961-6778. CARROLLWOOD Newly Reno vated 2BR2BA, JOCUZZl Fireplace, 1 Car Garage, An Appliances. Available August 15th, $850 mo. 813-961-2472 CARROLLWOOD Townhouses on Golf course.

Brand new. Greens of Carrollwood 3820 Ehrtleh Rd Storting at $800 mo. 264-7759. CARROLLWOOD VILLAGE townhome, 1980 sf, 32Vi2 carpagolf coursejake view must see: r-or appr. V6I-U56 CARROLLWOOD VIHaae Chardonnav.

spacious 22 end unit, gar, $765 899-C404 Corrotwood Vlg golf course. j2'2, i-p, pOOIlacCUZI $1200. 9324226 HMES AV 21V4, rsrvd prkg. free cot tv, wtrswr. no pers.

$5lomo 872-6602 weekdays HIMES AVE Beaut 22 LR DR Kit LgDen wD upgrades sooumoaec uep. v4v-u 1 32. HYDE PARK 22Vi 1200sf, securiry sysrem, s25mo. 813-254-4068 LAKE Forest 21 Jlott. 1178sf, sm vara pool, laxe, Tennis suu pruaential Flo Rtty 980-0505 LAKE Heather-N.

Carrollwood, spacious 22'a, 2 story, off n. Lakeview, WD hookup, pool. Mon-Sun by appt. 791-1483 LOGAN GATE-2lVi wsgle gar, no-smkng, no pets. $525 $500 sec 813-662-9429 NEW Constr.

Mlns. to Airport, t-275 33, Lg fom, Bkfst, fp, 2c gar. 4524 Gray St. Leaseopt lyju sr. i23mo.

Bjy-jy65 NORTHDALE- lakeview. WD, pvt jacuzzi, all kit appl avail now, $625 mo. 264-164 OLO HYDE PARK 22V4 wgaroge. $900 sec dep. small pers uk.

254-24 PALMA CEIA-22Vj, cozy, lots of extras, sec sys, wa high ceilings, covered parking, no aogs. 5u mo. 00- 10. ide. T'NC Spacious Studio 1 2BR's From $385.

Call 866-1316 or 885-4945 206 Other Counties PINELLAS Cry beach area 18.2 BR furnunfurn annualseason Dottle Welch 8, Assoc 367-4582 DuplexTriplex RUSKN-22 house, air, heat. pool lawn mamt. ma. Avon. 91, $750 mo.

(908) 362-8956 TUDOR CAY (T 'N' jtlA 2-stotv, I52UST, immacuKne, huge, beautiful! $660mo. Graham reality 886-4382 TWO Exec rentals mo. Both wobeks. 645-8481 Century 21 Beggins fcrrt. 232 Vacation Places i FRANKLM, NC Completely turnisnea weekly, monthly, yearly.

704-369-6594, after 6pm NC MT VACATIONS Log cabins in Boone area Willow Brook Real Estate. -1-800-763-5452, for brochures. NORTH CAROLINA MTNS Log home on Wilderness Lake. From $550wk. 886-865-2537.

ROBBtNSVt-LE N.C 32 lake-front mountain home $90 daily or $450 wk 704-479-6297 commercialTI property for rent or lease: SEE COMMERCIAL ft MVESTMENT PROPERTY' BANNER CLASS 160'S Houses Unfurnished COUNTRYWAY, open 10-4 Sat 1815 Branch Mooring Dr 332 model $995 mo. 8554155 CRYSTAL Lake Manors two homes: 32 ana 53 poors on pond, Garther sen. dlst gated comm. $1650 and $1695 SUN COVE REALTY 968-20M DAVIS ISLAND, 2b2b. CHA, rara nrs, wasner nkup, $850ma 621-0326 or 254-31 16 DAVIS ISLAND, 31 $1358 montn, no rcTs cai aner 12, 254-3117.

DAVIS tSLANO, Waterfront, 22, siioomonm. no pets. Col otter a 254-3117. DAVS ISLANDS Charming 32 u-w, ig nrorer sums, gooo storage. $1175ma 259-9146 DAVIS ISLANDS TOWNHOME bpacious 21 V4.

ooen floor plan. 102-B Columbia Dr. i iwmo, uwner Keanor MARGARET BIDDY 253-2444 Prudential Florida Realty EAST Hllrsbar. Cnty-2BR, CPT, wu nkups, Lg cor lot, $525ma ProCorp Bkr 985-0299 EAST of TT 42, 1 car gar, FL kiw, cage pool, aorm system, 2000 sf. $925mo.

988-6047 EAST TAMPA 2BD2BA, wcarpon, uia, wu nook-up. $485mo. 813-237-6122. EGYPT LAKE, wview, 322, ar, rr wrpc spa law sf, CHA, $950mo dep. 813-253-6558 FAWN RIDGE Subdtv.

42 avail now, $1250 mosec, 1 yr lease. 2000 sa ft. Ann Bartlett. REMAX Rlty Assoc 968-2234 FOREST CLUB OF WALDEN LAKE 4BR 2Ba cath ceilings, scr lanal wJennAIre, ftrepi, 2410 sf, comer lot, dbl garage, trees S1350mo Horizon ReaTfy at Plant city, mc 752-6102 FOREST HILLS- 32, CHA, mod vara wu nkups, $750 ma Dep. 879-9001 day, 935-6269, FOREST HILLS- Charming 4SK4DM.

UX1. HOCK, LOTge Rms. Screened Porch, Trees, Carport, $67 5 mo. $600. Dep.

Sandy Strert, The Polo Group 962-1777, 963-2804 HLLSBOROUGH40th S3918 Clifton Ave, 31, screened back porcn, washer dryer, 12'xl7' famitv room. 2 car driveway, completely fenced, S500mo $400dep. Call os-u us or come by house HYDE PARK. 32. CHA.

LR. DR, sun rm, $650 mo. Drive by 303 S. Metvllle. 932-4087 for appt to see Monday, 65.

ITHAMAR River area- 31 Large lot, nice neighborhood. wou. r. rums Kiry B-425 JACKSON Heights, 4 rms, part turn tnca ya al c-port sj; $375 dp 988-0279 239-9354 KENNEDY ARMEMA Ar- Lge 2BR Den, AC CPT. GAR, $450mo ProCorp Bkr 985-0299 LAKE VAN DYKE 54, 8 acres, scrn porch, lr, DR, FP, fam rm SI2Wmo (813)932-8710 LAND LAKES- Lake Saxon, itit access laxes, priv boot romg $825mo.

996-7767 LOWRY PARK-32, CHA, WD hookups, lawn service Ind, $580 mo. 968-8616. LUTZ 32, 2 car gar, CHA, big vara great Interior, min-orea 5u mo aep. y4e-yy i LUTZ, 32- 2 car garage $775 deposit (813) 972-1672 LUTZ, 42, screened pool, spa creek, nice, private, quire. $1350ma no pets.

949-3228. LUTZ- Caruso Trace, Beautiful 4 Bedroom 3 Bath pool house Zm Sa Feet. Pool and Lawn service inciuoea bus j. tseneaicTa ERA The Polo Group 962-1777 LUTZLAKE VIEW! Close to C'wood USF. 43 w3 car gar.

2800 sf, poolspa lawn pool mafnt. gated commu nity. txecuTive rental, es $2050 mo. Call ReMax Ream Assoc Larry wee 966-2234. LUTZ.

LeaseLease ODtion. 32, CHA, Fenced Back yard. 961-6666, 948-7688 or 345-1980 LUTZ- Willow Pond, 3 Be 2 dam, i car garage, New paint. New Gus J. Benedlcto 962-1777 era.

The Polo Group NORTH TPA 2-3 BR, CB, CHA, fans, kids sec 8 ok. 949-6785 Or 926-1426 NORTHLAKES-22, Prof, area all oppls, fned bkyra No pets, $625. Avail Now 985-5464 NORTHWEST Areo-322, FP, CHA, scr lanal, jacuzzi, fned B-yara WD hook, lyr lease, sm pet okay, $850 mo. 14947 OkJ Polnte Pointe Subdtv. 941-794-3217.

ODESSA -Eogtes Country Club. Executive home New 422, scrn lanal, view of golf course, 1250. Security system. Avail now 813 784-5814 Marie Powell Assoc PALMA CEIA 3Z WD hkua AC No Pets, fenced yard $575mo 877-6426 PALMA Cekt-Golfview. 2800sf, LR, OR Library wanhque Wmsburg decor.

$2650mo sec or $2400 unfurn 867-2863 PLANT CITY: 3BR CB home, C-HA $895 mo. Call for more details. Horizon Realty of Plant City, mc Rftrs 752-6102 PLANT CITY: WaWen Lake's Forest Club. 43, screen tanal, dbl gar $1200 mo 813-752-061 1 POOL, 32 near 301 674, 3 oc S700mo, 1st, last security. Call aft 6PM (941)739-1544 RACE TRACK ROAD-Serenlty, secluded 4 acres, pond, 2200sf, 33 lavishing mstr bdrm wjacuzzl mirrors, 2 'i cor goroge, screened pool, wood deck, oak hrs, FP Must see $1700mo.

920-2109 RIVER TERR 5706, 3bdrm ranch, seawallxtock, $750mo LEE PILCHER Realty, (813)933-4146 935-2163 RIVERVIEW Riverfront 11 11210 Casa Loma $425mo dep. No pets. 651-0740 SAN ANTONIO-easy commute to Tampa Quiet, spacious 5vr old home. Country living. AH appl's md.

wa Avail 81. $800ma 407-339-3490. SEM HGTS-21, modernized doHhouse. $650ma no pets. hookup, lg lot.

264-0568 SEMINOLE HEIGHTS 31. Screened porch, 6' privacy fence. Pets ok. Avail immea $575mo. 613-989-6060.

SEMMOLE Heights, 11 Cute Cottage wAC $350 mo. 728 Patterson. Coll 236-5397. SEMMOLE Hgts-3 bdrm home wlnground pool, flrepioce, fned yr $695mo. 757-0166 SOUTH Tampa 21, Beach Pk.

CHA, lg yard, exc cond. $750mo Coll Mary McCall 961-6000 ReMax ACR Elite Group SOUTH Tampa 21; fned yard; pets okl Mexican tile parauet floors. Immediate occupancy. $800 Susan Bkmdlno 963-7953 Coktwell Banker Res R.E. mc SOUTH TAMPA-21, fam rm, garage, CHA, oppi, dep.

3811 Corona 639-0258 SOUTH TAMPA, 32, CHA, WD hk-up, on appis fned ya ft deck. $700mo 832-3850 SOUTH Tampa 31, fenced vara garage, CHA, WD, on appt, no pets. $825mo. (md Lawn Svc) 613 273-9107 SOUTH Tampa 4714 Lawn 31 CHA 32' Fam. Rm, Fned $650mo.

Immoc 286-0695 SOUTH Tampa 5707 Boyshore. 1BR1BA, CHA, fpl, carpet sartlllo floors, wd hk-ups, rmm bllnas, alarm, beautiful lotdeck, frig, staroge shea md. lawn serv. $9 50 mo. 1st sec 1 year lease.

639-2475. SOUTH Tampa krge 4b4ba pool home on water. New covered boat dock. 2 car garage. $1500mo.

835-7410 SOUTH TAMPA RENTALS New Suburb 43, Pool $2400 Monte Carlo 33 $1650 Coiionade Area 3 1650 Euclid 2 1 Garage $850 Davis Is 11 Channel $600 SWEET 7 MO PUP FREE TO GOOD HOME PATTY RAGLANO 253-2444 Prudential Florida Realty SOUTHEAST TAMPA 1 bedroom. $300 month. Can (613) 677-5522 210 BUSCH 48TH ST-21, WO nooKup, cha, no pets, great location! $395 ma 985-3807. BUSCH GARDENS- Sec 8, 21, CHA, 1004 POinsettia $400. 949-7358 or 238-5353 BUSCHUSF Large Duplex 21 cna, dw, wa nkup, shade trees, $400ma 677-9263 PALMA Ceto-2704 Mississip pi, nv, am, or, wu, ww corp.

fnc yra $495. 253-3870 PALMA CEIA Unfurnished, smai I bearoom, ac ceu-Ing Fans, low rent. 877-2128. SOUTH Tpo-lL alarm, $345 moAiu aep, ist, iost ma 2803 Cleveland St. 870-2530 USF 21, ac fencea shade trees, wirgar pa, sjuu ma $200 dea No pets 884-1716 USF AREA-2br lbr, water, gwuuge, at xwn pu.

nu hookup, 1st mo security, ref rea, 663-3766. 301 FOWLER area Nice 2 bearoom. no pets, vjeoma wleose deposit 239-1161 BSHTT fenced, trees, twnhse 2 1 Vi $495. ibr, ac, nice, quiet $305. 949-7061pgr 980-5974 209 Houses Furnished BAYSHOREHyae Park area 3br 3 sty TH, locunl tubs, 2 flreplc $3000mo $750wk oar.

susan uionaino V6J-VJ Coktwell Banker Res R.E. Inc SPINNAKER COVE 2lVi TH $800 6 man mm. pool tennis, boat docks, scr patio, imm Oct Susan Btondlno 963-7953 Coktwell Banker Res E. mc 210 Houses Unfurnished 1st MONTH $1,000 -Down Payment on Your NEW 3-BR Home. Flagship Mortgage Services An Equal Housing Lender HatHamos Espanol 613-796-3083 AFB 21 CHA.

Custom Kitchen Fenced Yard Patio carpet avoii immea sou B55-u4oj. AFBlnterbav- Chormina studio cottage, like new, CHA, 0J-13OJ Apolo Beach 2749sf 32 on gaff course, soar pool louu mioemioi r-ia Kiry ywHisua APOLLO BEACH-322 with fenced yard, sail from back-yard to bay. 613-645-3786 APOLLO Beach 322, pool. on gotr crse, i iwmo. peis ox.

B25 tagie La uenise Hei- big 961-8002 Hon Reoitv ATTENTION ALL RENTERS WARNING! Be cautious Of all ods with a local phone number that when you call tells you to call a 1-976 or 1-900 number. If you call this number a substantial toll charge will be mode to your telephone bill, often without your koowredoe. Firms usina this technique referring you to i-v6 or i-vuu pnone numoer generally do not offer octual rentals, but are selling lists of remare wnttJi may or may not exist. The Tampa Tribune does not Knowingly accept ods of this nature. If anv ad vertiser refers you to a 1-976 or 1-900 phone number please report it immeotareiy to ine Tampa Tribune by calling 4l3y3V.

BAYCREST 3br2ba2 car, on canal wdocKcoged solar htd pool oav access, rvmo. Very Cleanl 249-2141 BAYSHORE Gandy Area 21 wCHA, wd hkup on pretty srreet. wu mo. zs-A4x BEACH PARK 32 V2, 2 Car, sec newer home. 2500 sf.

hardwood floors. 813 S. Wes- tshore. $1575mo. 545-5928 BEACH Park Isle Waterfront 32 S2250 dock on deep water canal.

Great sunsets! Susan BrOndino 963-7953 Cold well Banker Res R.E. Inc BLOOMMGDALE 422 2100sf send lanal wH. tub, fpi. siawmo uepwo-4141 Bloomingdate 42 1984sf, 2stvt pool, new paint, 2car $1 150 Prudent to. Flo Rtty 980-0505 BRANDON-1906 Alderway 32, ac $875mo LAND HO REALTY 882-6500 BRANDON 22 Patio hm The Palms In Heather Lakes, 1718 Oak Branch Ct.

Open Sat Sun 12-2. WD, pool, patio, mco yora i j-jvj-vju BRANDON 32 pool, scrn lanai. rencea. sh mommy. 681-6651 or 662-9400 BRANDON 2 car huge' scr porch, nice! $iU5u SUN COVE REALTY 968-2080 BRANDON-33 In ground pool, large lot, dead end street.

No pets. $900 mo dep 685-4638 BRANDON 3 4bd pool pool access ReMax Rlty Unttd Joe Austin 684-5045 BRANOON-3 br2 ba house near mall. Many extros. Must see. Only $820.

941-358-O803 BrandonBloom Br's, 2 Ba 2c-gar, pool, fried, exc cond 813-061-9211. BRANDON dean 31, CHA, garage, fned, storage. Avail 915 no pets. $650 mo 661-5275 BRANDON E.VALRICO-322, $785 mo deposit. No pets.

Cathedral celling. 685-0051 BRANDON GROVES POOL HOME: 4BR2.5BA, 2500sf, cul-de-sac $1050mo. $1000 dep. No pets. 661-2168 Brandon remodeled 42 2000sf huge cuktesoc vara 2car, $1 150 Prudential Flo Rlty 980-0505 BRANDON SOUTH-32 garage Excellent condition.

$695 ma 4046 Forecast Dr. 664-6617 BRANDON-Vacant No Pets 32 cam ceil, porch, dbl gar, $735 42 pool home, 1900 LA, gar. avail, 91, nr X-town $1195 WYNN ASSOC INC 661-5505 BUSCH Area 2br2ba AC carpet, wd hookup, fenced, $430 mo. NO PETS. 971-6085 BUSCH Gardens Ar- 2 story 32, CPT, WD hkups, $525mo ProCorp Bkr 985-0299 CARROLLWOOD 11, quiet, private, fenced yd, no pets $400modep.

Call 933-5586 CARROLLWOOD: 14110 Far-mlngton Blvd. 32, 1400sf, CHA, new carpet. $750mo Ist, lost, $500sec No pets 996-4169 CARROLLWOOD- story white, colonial, original C'wood, fenced bockyard, monthly $875 Cotl 265-8837 CARROLLWOOD-21, ski lake, carport, Vi acre, wd hkups. tons, no per S045 voi-ziw CARROLLWOOD-32L new carpet paint, scr patio, sec sys fenced yard. i950mo 960-9350 CARROLLWOOD 422, 3 car gar.Vj htd pooleauliful Interior $2295 SUN COVE REALTY 968-2080 Corrotwood area 211, tarn rm, CHA, no pets, $550mo sec 7517 N.

Blossom 931-0510 CARROLLWOOD Area-Nice, clean, 3br2Viba no pets, $775 dep. 661-7104 5006 Sprlngwood Dr. CARROLLWOOD Lovely SI 39 AX) 4BR pool home for only $600mo. Must have designer furniture to qualify. NTs, no pets.

SHOWHOMES 1BU) BV5-2227 CARROLLWOOO Lovely waterfront home 32, lanal, io-cuzzl, oarage, must see $830. Avail 61. 855-3918. Corrotwood Springs Open 1-3, 32Stat-ln kltchenreat rm, scrn porch SWOmo securrty deposit. (813)961-4507 CARROLLWOOO VLO $1300 Ma 4bd3ba heated pool spa cuHM-iac, frptc, wet bar, tamrm 672-8104 CENTRAL TAMPA-2br mlns Downtown Ybor.

FP, oak floors, $375. 223-5605. CHAMBERLAM, 21, corner lot, WD, quiet area $550mo dep. 1401 Burger 931-7887 CLAW-MEL 10114 Ventura nice ji'a, oc, rencea more. $450mo.

No pets. 407-363-1710 CLAR-MEL 2B2Ba CHA, Md WD hkua No Pets, lstLoit Sec $300, $S00mo. 677-2270 COPPERFIELD 322 fenced yora small pets ok. $850mo 717-646-1373 Open 63, 4 5 COUNTRYWAY 322, fenced yard, 3, very clean, $850. nO-995-630 RENT new Lincoln or Meror rv tnr uour rwxt varatlan.

AFB MocDLL 21, CHA, WD hkup, nice quite neighborhd $375. Col Jack Gorrie N. TAMPA 21. CHA. off Street parking, nice $350 C-Uft JOCK iTOFTie Uniaue Prooertv Service, mc Realtor 286-7549 AFB-Sparkling 21 CB, CHA new carpet, paint, fenced.

253-5 13 24hr msg APOLLO BEACH, Furnished, waterfront, 2BR1BA, CHA, $550 mo. Lease deposit. No pets, I J-645-2654 or 0 1 3-2 IV I BOUGAINVILLA 1-275 areolar apt, $295 mo, Ind water. rv msg ooo. y-ysju.

BUSCH 21 fence washerdryer small pet AC must qualify 525 i4ue yum av bj-vi3 Apartments Unfurnished 205 1 Bedrooms 654-0570 Hrs. Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5 Sun. 12-5 I Mini-vans 8 sport utilities available. Call 933-6751 Brandon's Best Kept Secret Terrific locationgreat value Washerdryer included Beautiful Clubhouse Sculptured poolwhirlpool TennisRacauetball Microwavesdishwasher Exercise, sauna steam rooms Private patios, balconies Ofc. it a new Wow! $225 MOVES YOU IN WITH FIRST MONTH'S RENT FREE 3Un oxalate See Saturday's Home section and Sunday's Classifieds.

t. Every weekend there's a handy 1 reference to the area's finest new home builders right at your fingertips. With map and property descriptions included, the Bay Area New Home Guide makes it easy to get started -with house hunting. For advertising rates and information call (813)259-7500 orl-BOO-223-3040. address with the ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF UNIVERSITY MALL One Bedroom Apartments Corporate Apartments Available 3QC 971-1000 Select Apartment Must Quality Limited Time lay Airea Wew IHIome ietyPark 199 Move In Special Large 1 bedrooms Free App.

Fee ONUS YOU'LL BEi 3 Bedrooms2 Baths Only tElementav walklna distance Day Care Across rnesireeT ImnmU rnnecnnicaixnooi mil0pook BAV rUPQ1 PqhotSlorage TTCriJS. (Cornai Kel i Memorial) 836- '475.

The Tampa Tribune from Tampa, Florida (2024)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.